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The Shadow Sequel Poll
Would you like the Shadow sequel to have the look and feel of the movie "Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow"? Please explain why or why not.
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me! Don't forget to read the rules,
I enjoyed what the filmmakers did in "Sky Captain and the World of
Tommorrow". However, it just didn't have that
feel a director would need to produce a decent, if not an awe
inspring sequel for The Shadow. Take the 1994 version. I feel it was
great, and yet lacking... there needs to be a great plot or something.
Well actually I was totally tickled by how the first one was made.
I think they should have made it longer. I thought the
style in which it was made was perfect.
I liked Sky Captain, but I think they could
do with less computer animation.
What? They couldn't spend a little extra cash and actually get a car that looks like its from the 1940's?
I liked the fuzzy feel to it though.
It shouldn't be like The World of Tomorrow.
Yes, World has a very distinct feel of the film that gives it that
old serial quality, but I never pictured The Shadow as a serial. The
film needs a dark 30's Film Noir style that you get with old detective
movies or the Michael Keaton Batman. A dark movie filled with
shadows (appropriate), slouched hats, and revolvers. I was a fan of
the Alec Baldwin movie but it needed more of the feel of the older
detective stories. The Shadow is, in essence, a detective story and
needs to have that detective feel that World of Tomorrow didn't have.