Fan Art
Are you a budding artist and a Shadow fan? I'm accepting art work that
relates to The Shadow to post on this site, whether it be drawings on
paper or Flash movies. Please email it to me.
Stuck for ideas? These might help:
- Portraits of The Shadow himself, or in his other guises (i.e. Lamont Cranston, Fritz the janitor, etc.)
- Portraits of The Shadow's agents (individual, group, or with The Shadow)
- Action pictures of The Shadow (i.e. firing guns, chasing bad guys)
- Scenes from any Shadow movie, pulp, radio episode, etc.
- Your very own Shadow comic strip
- Comic covers (recreated or original)
- Pulp covers (recreated or original)
- Logos, banners, icons, etc.(recreated or original)
- Famous artist's rendition of The Shadow (i.e. what if Picasso or Monet drew/painted The Shadow?)
- Picture Manipulations
- Figures
(fan-made action figures, sculpture, mixed media, etc.)
- Multimedia (i.e. computer animation, music videos, trailers, etc.)
- Sounds (Use your imagination. You can record yourself doing The Shadow's laugh, or you can get
some friends together and do a segment of one of the radio shows. Anything goes!)
- Live Action (Think you can do a better job than that 1994 movie? Prove it here!)
- There's really no due date.
- You can submit as many pieces of artwork as you want. It will all be listed under your name if it's under the same genre (e.g. portraits of The Shadow).
- The Webmistress has the right to refuse any artwork if she feels that
it is of a rude, discriminatory, and/or inflammatory nature. No porn.
No gratuitous violence (i.e. don't go overboard with the action scenes).
Remember also that this web site is intended for audiences of all ages, so watch the language as well (especially for sounds). You have been warned.
- Email your responses to my address above.
- Have fun!