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The Shadow Monthly Poll
What can we do to bring The Shadow back into the spotlight again? (Thank you to Geoff for the suggestion!)
Want to add your own opinion? Email
me! Don't forget to read the rules,
I honestly believe, after being a Shadow fan for nearly eight years,
this would require a meeting of the minds. This meeting of
the minds would have to inculde every Shadow Fan worldwide, comic
publishers and writers, and of course those who currently own the
However, this may present more problems than
solutions. Why? Every writer, publisher, and fan has a different veiw
of The Shadow. There are very few points (if any) that all
three groups would or could agree on. What these points are can and
mostly will be agrued by other fans. Though, after much research I
can see at least two comic publishers have [these points] in common.
DC and Dark Horse both agreed that The Shadow has recieved (or was
forced into) training from an unnamed master in a place called Shamblaha.
They also agree upon Maxwell Grant's original identity: Kent Allard.
And of course, The Shadow's involvement in "The Great War".
From here it gets quiet messy, and as a loyal fan, I would rather
avoid [it]. From these humble and yet not quite
understood beginnings, anything goes and it often has. It's
after this point that either makes or breaks a hero, especially a
"Godfather" like The Shadow.
However, enough dancing around the question, what can be done to bring
The Shadow back?
As in my last opinion, those who own the rights
currently need to do something about it, or make The Shadow public
domain, giving his fans a chance to rekindle his dying legacy. If
this happens, there should be a meeting of the minds. That
way fans, writers, and publishers can agree about how to bring this
highly [controversial] hero back. Then time will only tell, for that's
the true test for any comic [book] hero. Though, The Shadow has hung
on this long in the hearts of his fans, who is to say that he will
be back in force for a new generation of fans? The main problem here
is time, conflicting ideas, and those blasted copyrights. But, this
is just my honest and outspoken opinion.
Actually this should be more of the
question: What would Maxwell Grant do upon seeing the decay of his
own creation?
I would do something like Playstation did when
the PS2 came out. Just show the outline of the product, but
this would be just the outline of The Shadow. Maybe show the red scarf,
or even the black hat sitting on a table, or even a side view of The
Shadow, and have something along the bottom that says: "Long before
The Bat and The Spider ,one man saved New York from evil". [Add
in] a date as to find out who on 6/23/05 [for example].
Chris R.
To bring him back, we should get him back into
the media that he started with. My friend wants me to come
down to the local radio station dressed up as The Shadow. One problem
with that is that I dont have the sardonic laugh, and creepy voice.
Not to mention the fact that I'm a girl. ;)
I'm trying to write pulp length novels, with the original characters
back in action, and I also do my best to draw new creative pictures
of The Master of Darkness. The more stuff we
make, the better chance the regular public has to see it. And
if no one else besides the fans get to see my creations, at least
they will appreciate it the most. And thats what counts...loyalty
to the Chief. ;)
Corey C.