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The Shadow Monthly Poll
Do you think that
The Shadow will still be remembered 100 years down the road?
Want to add your own opinion? Email
me! Don't forget to read the rules,
I believe he will, as long as there are fans
in the world. It doesn't matter if you have award winning movies,
or a billion comics, or even if you are in the news today. Legends
are ALWAYS remembered for the deeds they did.
Corey C
I believe he will be, because not only was he a down-to-earth
hero, he wasn't too full of himself. Plus with classic but
true lines like "Who knows that evil lurks in the hearts of men" and
"The sun his shinning...but the ice is slippery", I think it
will be a while before anyone forgets The Shadow. Plus he's
an amazing telepath; he ranks up there next to Professor X
and Jean Grey from X-men.
Chris R.
Will The Shadow be remembered in a hundred years from now? It
depends on the dominate culture. If, say, that Western (read
American/Anglo culture) should crumble and fall, then probably not.
The Shadow lives on largely due to white nostalgia.
Millions love this character, but billions more never heard of him.
What significance will any twentieth century icon (Sinatra, Johnny
Cash, Bugs Bunny, Humphrey Bogart, Marilyn Monroe, the recently deceased
playwright Arthur Miller) have when the culture that they were apart
of no longer exists? Cultural influence fades
with time. Kids refer to things two or three years ago as "old
When faced with the prospect of reading a book (or listening to a
piece of music) over playing a video game, young
people go for the video game. Reading anything (from bestsellers
to the return policy on a store's receipt) is not a big priority with
most people of any age in this over-stimulated and forgetful modern
day. If, in 2105, there are still people who
enjoy comics and their roots in the pulps and the early paperbacks,
folks who haunt thrift stores, flea markets, and amateur cultural
anthropologists, The Shadow may have a stab at immortality.
He's hung on seventy-five years so far, who knows? Most importantly,
let's enjoy him now, shall we?
will Shadow be remembered in a 100 years? Well,
if trends keep up the way they are, he won't be remembered.
Why? Fewer and fewer young people know anything about the "Golden
Age" of comics, let alone radio. And let's face it people, most
"conservatives" have issues with "shoot first and ask
questions later". However, as a dedicated Shadow fan,
all I want to see is whoever has the rights [to The Shadow], get off
their butts and do something about it! Or if they won't, all the rights
[will] become public domain and the many Shadow
fans worldwide [can] bring back this "godfather" of superheroes
back into the light where he belongs, instead of the shadowy
abyss where he continues to remain.
To ask the question whether or not The Shadow will be around and remembered
100 years ago is difficult to answer. While as an avid enthusiast of the
Shadow's exploits I would love to say, "yes he will be!" But first I must
think of what the current trend seems to be
for poor Lamont Cranston and the rest of the Shadow world. In the 30's they
were the superstars: radio, books, movie serials nothing was beyond
their reach! By the 60's the radio and the books and the movie serials were
gone, replaced by comic books that held on to the legacy for as long as
they could but eventually those died off as well.
Then in the 90's, in a desperate attempt to keep it alive, they made
a movie about The Shadow's exploits and adventures. But while The
Shadow's loyal fans praised it, very few people actually saw it. Nostalgia
doesn't sell movie tickets. And while I myself loved the movie,
had I known nothing about The Shadow other than what I saw in theaters
I would most likely not have gone either. 100 years from now, people
will not remember who the president was, same as we don't know off
the top of our heads who was president in 1905. The same is true of
The Shadow. The Shadow's loyal fans will still
be there, but The Shadow itself will fall into the background more
so than it already has in the way that the Scarlet Pimpernell
has fallen, or any other of the other popular books and characters
of the late 1800s early 1900s.
There are still followers and avid lovers, but they are few and far
between. The Shadow will be remembered, but
by a select few. Those that knew him originally will be gone,
as will its original comic book followers and those old enough to
remember the movie, myself included. But mainstream
media has already (to a large extent) forgotten him and will keep
on forgetting him unless something can be done to bring him back into
the spotlight he so richly deserves.