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The Shadow Monthly Poll
How were you introduced to The Shadow, and what drew you to him?
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me! Don't forget to read the rules,
I was introduced to him during the summer of 1997.
I was working at Kings and decided it would be a night for movies. I saw
the title of "The Shadow", read the back and figured why
not. Took it home and was hooked. His hidden
past, that's what got me the most. That and the nature of the character.
I like the mystery that surrounded the character.
Well, I was introduced to The Shadow when I was in primary
school, and I picked up the junior novelisation
of The Shadow. I then checked out some cassettes of the radio
show from the public library, and then I was hooked.
Alex Case
For me, it seems I've been exposed to The Shadow nearly all
of my life. I'm 47 and was born too late for the original radio show.
But from the time i was a child, my parents would tell me about the radio
show of "the invisable Shadow" and other radio
classics. At one point in the early 60's, there were some reruns on a radio
station via a "Best of Classic Radio"-type series in my hometown of Dayton
,Ohio. I remember car rides on dark rainy nights, sitting in the back seat,
listening to The Shadow. It was wide-eyed wonder.
Later, I discoved The Shadow in a comic book...the Archie
series, a superhero. But not what I expected. In the later 60's,after
my family had relocated to Indiana, I became a rabid fan of the Doc Savage
paperbacks from Bantam Books. Eventually,they
reprinted their short-lived series of The Shadow. I was amazed. There were
real STORIES of The Shadow? I bought, I read,
I was hooked! In additon ,in the early 70's, a college radio station out
of South Bend, IN started to replay the Shadow radio show on Sunday nights.
I remember staying up later then a school boy should to listen to them,
So the journey progressed, from the Bantam books to the Pryamid
paperbacks, and the excellent comic book series by Denny
O'Neil and Mike Kaluta from DC comics
to lead me to an intense interest in The Shadow and his pulp
era magazines. Today, I own all of the Shadow paperbacks and hard
and soft cover books, an extensive array of "facimile editions", toys, posters
and misc. And thanks to the Internet, I have access to all of the pulps
and radio shows. My favorite media is the pulps, and have really enjoyed
the old Shadow Fan Club pages and the Secret
Codes features. By the time The Shadow motion picture with Alec Baldwin
came along, Iwas a full-fledged Shadow freak.
I thought the movie was interesting, the way they intermixed elements of
the radio show and the pulps.
It's been a great journey for the mysterious creature of the night and myself.
I was introduced to The Shadow through my grandmother.
I don't remember how exactly, but one day while visiting her she was talking
about the old radio shows she used to listen to, and recalled that The
Shadow was always her favorite. Not long after, I was browsing through
a bookstore and came upon the first set of cassette
tapes for The Shadow, the ones in the little wood crate, and snatched
them up instantly. I listened to them endlessly, completely
captivated by a medium I had never before experienced. Much to my
surprise and delight, I learned of a big-budget movie
in the works, and when it came out, I saw it twice in the theater. I've
been hooked ever since.
Michael M.