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Fan Fiction: First-Hand Accounts

Gangsters and Groceries
by Corey Christopher


  Just then, the lights went on in our part of the store. Mobsters in really expensive-looking suits packing even more expensive-looking guns were closing in around us! One of them said, "Hey boys, how nice of 'em to do the dirty work for us, eh?" They all laughed. "Now hand over the loot if you know what's good for yas!" We both stood there defiantly, staring them down. There was no way they were getting these items, unless they could pry them from my Kung Fu grip. Just as I was about to tell them to go to hell, Lamont calmly said, "I give up, you win. Here, have some POTATOES!" and he hurled the 50 pound bag at the closest gunman. It knocked him right over and baffled the rest of the mob. While they are still dumbfounded, Lamont whipped a .45 automatic out of nowhere and began to douse the lights. The mob opened fire in our direction. Nobody could see anything in the dark, except quick flashes from the machine guns.

  By that time, I had lost all sense of where my partner has gone, even if he's still alive after a stunt like that. I crawled along the ground with the groceries until I reached a corner that I recalled having tall wooden crates.

  "HA HA HA HA HA HA!" That laugh came from everywhere and nowhere, echoing throughout the storeroom!

  "Geez! It's The Shadow! Come on boys, let's scram!"

  "Not without that loot Tony!" said another mobster.

  "Quick! Shoot him and grab the loot from the dame! Get MOVING!" More gunfire ricochet off the walls as someone detected movement and heard the icy tones of The Master of Darkness.

  "Did you really think I didn't know about your pathetic plot?" mocked The Shadow.

  "OVER THERE!" a gunman madly screams as he drills the wall with bullets.

  "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!" returned the wall.

  Back in my corner of the fight, a small circle of light appears on the floor in front of my eyes. Two extremely polished black shoes and the bottom of a long black cloak rested on the rim of that light. "Shhhh," A sibilant whisper calls, "This way." A strong grip is placed on my arm and I am stealthily led out of the fray in pitch-blackness. When we reached the door to the outside a cab pulled up.

  "Get in."

Without thinking, I sat in the seat and waited for my rescuer to join me. The other side door never opened. After a full minute of sitting and waiting, I came to my senses and remembered that Lamont was still in the building! I told Moe, my Boss' personal cabbie, to wait here while I find my partner. He protested and said that I was given a direct order. "I can't just leave Lamont to die! Besides, he only said 'Get in,' not 'Stay here'." "But…but he's…WAIT!" It was too late. I followed the same path back in, determined not to leave my partner to his doom, even if The Shadow was in there with him. "He can't save everybody all the time," I thought.

  It was total chaos inside. People were knocked out all over the place. Guns were strewn on the floor and casings carpeted the corners. Apparently there were still a couple of survivors battling the infamous Shadow, for every once in a while, the reports of automatics could be heard amongst the taunting laughter. I stayed as far away from the crossfire as possible while I hunted for Mr. Cranston. Flashlights were dropped near many thugs and I scanned each unconscious body with one. After looking for what seemed like an eternity, the gunfire stopped. That's not what worried me. It was the lack of mocking laughter that sent a shiver down my spine. Where was The Shadow? Did he follow one of the fleeing gangsters? Or worse… was he shot?! And I still had no idea where Lamont was! Just as I was about to give up and check in with Moe, when a hand fell upon my shoulder. Instantly I whirled around, suppressing a scream and shined my flashlight on him. It was Lamont Cranston! Still holding that sack of potatoes! I couldn't believe it, not a scratch on him, and he didn't lose our prized possession! I gave him a quick hug around all the potatoes, and guided him back toward the cab. We both got in and I helped him get the sack off his legs and onto the floor.


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