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Fan Fiction: Crossovers
Shadow of the Warrior

Author's Note:
This story is a prequel to Lineage. While this story can stand on its own it is highly recommended that you read Lineage before reading this story.

I would like to give a special thanks to J.H. (The Webmistress) for her help with this story. As always, she is kind enough to go over the story and fix my typos with a fine-toothed comb. She also gave me the idea for a Tracy/Shadow crossover on her Web page and helped me to better understand The Shadow and other characters. She is also kind enough to keep the Web page up so we have somewhere to post our ideas. Again I issue her my thanks; this story would not have been possible without her help.


  Iraq 1939

  The sun beat down on him as he and his team struggled to open the huge stone door of the buried temple. Sweat poured down his face from under his wide brimmed hat, the fact that he was wearing a leather jacket didn't help. He knew that he had the wrong clothes on for a desert dig but he didn't care. He had worn the same hat and jacket on all of his adventures and he was still alive. He thought of them as his lucky clothes.

  Finally, they managed to move the door and enter the underground temple. He rushed in, thinking to himself, Time is of the essence; those Nazis we tangled with earlier are sure to come back with reinforcements. For once, I want to get this find loaded up and out of here before they give me trouble. The room the door led to was small ? about six feet long and six feet wide ? made of brown stone walls covered with Phoenician cuneiform writing. However, the ceiling of the room was too high to be seen, and there were no doors or pathways to be found. The archeologist lit a match and began to read to inscription out loud. "It says: you must walk in footsteps of another." He turned to his long-time Arabian friend, Sallah, and said, "What does that mean there's no path?" Suddenly the ground beneath them began to shake. The hired workers who helped them moved the stone, ran back out into the desert. "Walk in the foot steps of another?" The archeologist said out loud. Pieces of the floor began to fall out from under them into a seemingly bottomless pit. Suddenly an idea came to him. "Sallah! Quick! Back to back," he shouted. The two friends stood back to back as the floor collapsed beneath them. They each brought their legs up against the wall. With their legs extended to the wall and their backs pressed together they were able to use each other's body to support themselves. "We're going to have to take this one step at a time," the archeologist said to his friend. The two braced their legs, pushing their backs tighter together, then slowly shifted their left legs up the wall. The pair continued this process for nearly an hour as they inched up the wall, while the hired workers watched in awe.

  Finally they reached the top of the high corridor, and climbed out into a dark room. The archeologist lit a match and saw a series of unlit torches next to him. As he ignited them, the light revealed the massive room spread out before them. There were two rows of high pillars which ran the entire length of the room. The archeologist estimated the room to be about 35 feet high. The walls were made entirely out of stone with etched carvings spaced out along its length. The archeologist examined the first one; it showed the sun god Ra and what appeared to be mortal woman looking at a baby. The two men moved to the next carving, and it showed a large man becoming a king, the next etching displayed the king wrestling with a wild man. They examined the rest of the carvings seeing the king and the wild man he fought before working together to fight a giant and a bull. They saw a carving of the warrior king loading animals onto a large ship, eliciting thoughts of the Noah's Ark story in the Bible. The light of the torches near the bottomless pit could not reach the far back of the room. Fortunately, the archeologist found more unlit torches on the wall. As he lit them, they revealed a large sarcophagus on a huge slab at the back of the room. The coffin was nearly ten feet long. The two walked up to it, and saw that it also had cuneiform writing across the top. The archeologist read the inscription out loud, "Here lies the body of the Ultimate Warrior. He died seeking eternal life." The archeologist grabbed the lid to the coffin and slid it open. Inside he could see the skeleton of a massive man ? easily seven and a half feet tall. Lying in the coffin beside him was a battle axe that was nearly as large as the skeleton itself. The archeologist smiled to himself, and closed the lid.

  After constructing a massive dumbwaiter system with the help of the workers below, the archeologist and his friend lowered themselves and the coffin back down the bottomless corridor and into the desert. The workers loaded the coffin onto a truck as the archeologist gave them his instructions. "I want this coffin on a plane back to Chicago as soon as this truck hits the airport." With that, the crew drove off into the desert.

  From a hill far away, a man watched the entire scene. He was a well built middle aged man dressed in the uniform of Nazi officer. Despite his young age his face was so wrinkled that it appeared as if he had lived well over a century. Behind him stood a garrison of Nazi troops, to his right was another man with a Nazi officer uniform on. He also was a well-built middle aged man, however he too had a remarkable feature on his face. The brow of his head was misshapen, as if he had four large rolls of fat on his forehead. He approached the commanding officer and said, "What do we do now Pruneface?" Pruneface turned to The Brow and said, "We charter a flight to Chicago."

  SHAMBALA - The nexus of all mystical energy

  Three figures looked over a small reflecting pool known as The Pool of Destiny. One was the winged serpent god Queztalcoatl, the second was the legendary Lady of the Lake, the third was a massive man dressed like and Egyptian pharaoh he was the sun god Ra. The lady of the Lake turned to Ra. "The body of your son has been taken. While this Dr. Jones is known to be a virtuous man, the coffin will now be much more easily accessible to others who are not." Ra sighed and looked down at the pool "Yes, if the body of my son fell into the wrong hands it could mean disaster for the people of Earth." Finally Queztalcoatl spoke, "The body of Gilgamesh must be retrieved; we must contact the monk who is now Dr. Fate. It is time for his pupil to begin his quest of redemption."

  The three immortals telepathically contacted Dr. Fate and made him aware of the situation. After receiving the information, Dr. Fate went in search of his pupil. He found his pupil in the back room of his temple, a tall, muscular, dark-haired man who kneeled shirtless before a wall meditating. Dr. Fate approached him and spoke, "Lamont Cranston, the journey towards your redemption begins today." With that he telepathically implanted into Cranston's mind all of the information he would need for this mission. Cranston arose and Dr. Fate spoke again, "Remember you have the power to cloud men's mind, but you will never be able to hide your shadow. It represents the dark part of you that is always trying to resurface. You must not deny this part of yourself but embrace it. You were once Lamont Cranston, when I found you were the warlord Ying Ko. Leave here as both of those men and neither. Leave here as The Shadow." With that, he handed Cranston a dark cloak and outfit along with a blood red scarf and black hat.


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