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Fan Fiction: Crossovers

by Matt Dennion and Tom Kurtz

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Matt at or Tom at

<< Chapter 1-1 | Back to Table of Contents | Chapter 1-3 >>

Book 1 - Chapter 2

  As Bruce gazed over the journals, he noticed some of the journals had the image of a gold medallion imprinted on their spine. Bruce picked up the earliest journal he could find with a picture of the medallion on it. Quickly leafing through the pages he came across the picture again in one of the entries, the journal read:

Oct 23 1886, Aztec Temple, Mexico

  Today I have come across the single most important discovery I have made since the Lazarus pits themselves. It has long been my hypothesis that the Lazarus pits come from the mystical people of the lost city of Shambala. This city has been known by many names throughout history, Shangri-la, Eden, Avalon, and is suspected to be the nexus for all mystical energy in the multi-universe. After learning that an old Aztec shaman may have some information on the existence of this place, I decided to go talk to him. He was somewhat stubborn at first and refused to talk to us about Shambala, however I was able to persuade him (It is amazing how quickly someone will talk when his entire family is lined up in front of him and burned alive one at a time). To the old man's credit he watched his wife and eldest son burn away before he could take no more and finally spoke. The shamans resolve at watching his family burn only confirmed my suspicion that he possessed great knowledge about the city.

  He soon told me Shambala did exist and it was a place of great knowledge and power. The mystical beings who lived in Shambala were peaceful and benevolent and they would sometimes bestow gifts upon mankind such as "Fountains of Youth" as the Aztec called them (thereby confirming my suspicion about the origin of the Lazarus pits). He also mentioned that great weapons of power would be given from the people of Shambala to heroes in our world during times of crisis. He mentioned a great King in the West being given a sword to unite his people by a woman from Shambala who came to him through a lake. There was also helmet given to the greatest wizard of each generation to help guide the people of the earth. As the old man was speaking, I realized Shambala must be in my destiny, after all if people of this place bestowed great weapons on heroes to better the world then who was a greater hero then myself?

  The other instances he mentioned were people who were only helping a small group of humans, but I am attempting to heal the earth itself by cleansing it of the very humans who took the gift of the Earth and were destroying it for their own selfish means. Surely if the beings of Shambala were concerned about the Earth then they would also see that the humans they had once helped had turned against Mother Earth herself. Surely they must feel the Earth needs to be cleansed of the infection known as humanity. They must share my dream! Once I approach them they will anoint me as their messiah and bestow upon me the gifts and weapons needed to fulfill my dream of purging the world of the evils of man and creating a new world in which man and nature could live in harmony. Furthermore, if these people know how to create Lazarus pits then they would provide me with access to an unlimited supply of them. So I might live forever and continue to foster the mutually benevolent relationship between the new population of humans and the Earth. The people of Shambala will bestow their gifts upon me, or I will take them by force!

  The only thing the shaman had not told me was how to gain access to Shambala. When I asked him he did not respond. I then instructed Ubu to burn his youngest grandchild, at that request the shaman spoke again. He said, "There had once been many keys to unlock the gates of Shambala, however, all but one has been lost to time. This final piece was once here in the Aztec temple it was a talisman with the locations of the remaining portals to Shambala on it. Furthermore, the talisman was the key to open the portals. The talisman was taken however, when Cortez and the Spaniards conquered our great civilization. My ancestors have always kept track of the talisman from that point so I know its story. It was taken to California where a rich land owner tried to use it to open the gates of Shambala and use its power to enslave the peasants who lived near him. He was stopped however by a champion of the people known as 'The Fox' — Zorro. After defeating the land owner, Zorro took it upon himself to protect the talisman for all time."

  The next step of my great quest is now clear; I must find this Zorro and wrest the talisman from him.


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