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Fan Fiction: Crossovers

by Matt Dennion and Tom Kurtz

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Matt at or Tom at

<< Chapter 5-1 | Back to Table of Contents | Chapter 5-3 >>

Book 5 - Chapter 2

  Zorro entered the temple holding his machete in one hand and nursing his ribs in the other. He had been able to follow the trail Ra's and his men had left. For a brief moment the anger that consumed Zorro had subsided. He was astonished at the beauty of the temple. Finally he saw the splendor of that which his mentor had given his life to protect. As Zorro thought of his mentor, the anger inside of him began to burn again. It grew to the rage of an exploding volcano. He thought about why he was here and how close he was to avenging his mentor's death. Zorro surveyed the arena. He saw the army of Aztecs streaming down a tunnel at the far end of the arena. Looking up he saw a lone guard leading Batman up a flight of stairs carved out of the rock of the cave and into a small tunnel. Zorro remembered Batman's conversation with the mysterious figure who called himself The Shadow. Batman spoke as if Ra's al Ghul was an enemy not his master. Zorro was not sure about whose side Batman was on, nor was he sure if the mysterious Shadow could be trusted. The only thing he was sure of was that The Batman would lead him to Ra's al Ghul. Zorro limped to the stairs.

  Ra's men could here the battle cries of the Aztecs grow louder as they came closer to the end of the tunnel. Each man knew he would die in this battle, and everyone felt honored to do so in service of their master. The Aztecs began to pour out of the tunnel by the dozens. As the first warrior was bathed by the light of the artificial sun, Ra's men began to fire. The Aztecs' bodies convulsed as bullets slammed into them, causing them to fall to the ground in mid-stride. The warriors continued to run out of the tunnel, staggering over the bodies of their falling comrades. The horde of Aztecs charged into the cavern heading for Ra's men. The mercenaries continued to fire at the ocean of Aztecs before them. For every Aztec they shot ten more emerged from the tunnel. The Aztecs pushed forward across the open terrain of the first part of the cavern. Without anything to use for cover, many of them fell under the merciless assault of Ra's men. With the death of each Aztec the horde moved closer to Ra's men.

  Batman's guide led him into a dimly lit tunnel. As the guide took several steps, a long black shape slowly uncoiled itself from the ceiling of the tunnel. A massive black tail with a stinger at the end impaled the Aztec, killing him instantly. The tail then lifted the corpse into the air. Batman watched as a giant scorpion grabbed the man in his claws and began to devour him. The scorpion lowered itself from the ceiling and landed on the floor. It lifted its tail above its head and opened its claws. The scorpion began to advance towards Batman. Reaching into his utility belt Batman pulled out three small acid bombs and hurled them at the beast. The scorpion hissed as the acid washed over it, melting part of its claws and back. The scorpion pulled its claws close to itself and retreated deeper into the tunnel. Batman watched as the monster crawled out of sight and into the darkness. He then resumed his trek to the portal.

  Ra's continued to run deeper down the second tunnel. He could hear the sounds of the battle behind him; the sound of the M-16's echoed through the tunnel. Good, as long as I hear the gun fire. I know the Aztecs have yet to reach to area where I positioned my men, Ra's thought. The gunfire began to quiet down and Ra's could hear the sound of grenades exploding. He quickened his pace down the seemingly endless tunnel.

  Despite heavy casualties, the Aztecs had nearly reached Ra's men. The mercenaries had spent their bullets. Most of them had resorted to throwing grenades at the Aztecs while two mercenaries had retreated to the entrance of the second tunnel. Dust, blood, and limbs flew into the air as the grenades exploded amongst the horde of Aztec warriors. Ra's men watched as the Aztecs emerged from the smoke and dust covered in the blood of their brothers. Finally, the Aztecs had reached their enemies. The mercenaries drew knives from their clothing and charged, only to be butchered by Aztec spears. The Aztecs ran over Ra's men like a swarm of locusts over a farmer's crop utterly destroying them. Ra's two remaining men reached the entrance to the second tunnel and pulled large containers from their backpacks. They began to pour gasoline over the entrance to the tunnel. They walked deeper into the tunnel soaking every inch of it in gasoline. After covering nearly 20 feet of the tunnel, they turned and waited. As they saw the Aztecs approach the entrance, they each screamed, "In the name of The Demon!" With that, they each lit a match, igniting themselves and the entrance to the tunnel. The Aztecs watched as the tunnel became an inferno. They stopped at the tunnel's entrance realizing they would be unable to pursue Ra's al Ghul.

  As he ran, the talisman around Ra's neck began to glow in a deep purple light. Ra's could smell the smoke from the flames behind him. His men had done their job. The glow of the talisman began to intensify. Ra's could sense its power. He could feel he was only moments from entering the portal. Finally, the long tunnel came to an end, and Ra's saw a great stone bridge in front of him. The bridge was nearly 100ft long and 10 ft wide. Below was a seemingly endless dark abyss. Ra's could hear the faint sound of running water echoing through the emptiness. Across the bridge, Ra's could see the portal. It was circular with same deep purple glow as the talisman. Ra's was amazed by its beauty, as the purple offset the darkness that shrouded the area outside the portal's edges. As Ra's stepped on to the bridge, he was overcome by a feeling of accomplishment. He stared into the portal as he walked towards it. Suddenly Ra's stopped dead in his tracks. He watched as the Dark Knight stepped out of the shadows which surrounded the portal, and stood in front of it with his cape draped around his body. The purple glow cast an eerie silhouette over his body. Ra's stood eyes wide in utter shock. Once more The Batman stood between him and his destiny.


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