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Fan Fiction: Crossovers

by Matt Dennion and Tom Kurtz

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Matt at or Tom at

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Book 3 - Chapter 4 (cont'd)

  The train rolled to a stop. The doors slid open. Ra's al Ghul sprang out of the train and up the stairs of the station into the heart of Gotham City. The Shadow used one of the train seats to pull himself up. Between the cuts on his arm and in his side he was loosing a lot of blood. He was getting weak and disoriented. He looked out the train window to see Ra's scaling the stairs into Gotham City. No, anger ran through The Shadow as he thought, I will not let my redemption escape me. The Shadow ran as fast he could out of the subway and up the stairs.

  The Shadow climbed the stairs and saw the city of Gotham before him. Surveying the area, he saw Ra's turn a corner into an alley. The Shadow chased him. When he reached the alley he saw Ra's scaling the fire escape of a building. The Shadow climbed up the escape after him. At the top of the building, he saw Ra's on the opposite side of the roof. Five buildings in front of him, a helicopter was landing on the roof of Gotham General Hospital. It was no ordinary helicopter but a black military copter. His escape chopper, The Shadow thought. The Shadow aimed and fired at Ra's just as he was jumping from one roof to the next. Ra's landed on the roof of the next building and began running across it. The Shadow jumped across to next roof refusing to lose his prey. Ra's came to ledge of the next roof and jumped and The Shadow followed in kind. They again jumped this time to the roof of a movie theater. Ra's darted across the roof and jumped to the next building. As The Shadow came to ledge of the roof, he heard shouting. He looked down and saw a man, woman, and small boy being held up by a gunman. The Shadow paused only for a minute, reminding him self about the needs of the many. As the Shadow leapt over the alley, the boy looked up at his figure against the night sky with awe. The young boy would remember the feeling of hope the silhouette of the cloaked man gave him in his darkest hour.

  When the Shadow landed on the roof of the other building he heard gunshots ring out behind him. Ra's had already reached the ledge of the other roof and was jumping for the roof of the hospital where his helicopter waited. Ra's landed on the roof of the hospital. The Shadow pulled his gun out and fired. The bullet hit Ra's in the back of the leg and exploded out of his right knee cap. Ra's fell in mid-stride. Ra's was only a few feet away from his chopper and tried to crawl to it. The Shadow took aim, determined that Ra's would not escape. He fired again, but one of Ra's guards jumped out of the helicopter and into the path of the bullet. The guard died but his comrades managed to pull their master into the chopper and make off with him. The Shadow summoned the last of his strength to jump to the roof of the hospital. When he got there, the helicopter had already lifted off. The Shadow emptied the clip of his gun at the chopper but it was in vain. Ra's al Ghul would escape him this day.

  Present Day

  The Shadow told Batman how he climbed down the roof entrance of the hospital into the ER. Then gave them a story how he "Lamont Cranston" had been chased by a mugger and managed to loose him by climbing the hospital fire escape. He was treated for his wounds and left the next day by using his mind confusion techniques so no one would see him slip away. He returned to Crane's house to find all of his notes missing. Looking at Batman he said, "With the notes I knew Ra's would eventually be able to translate the talisman." Batman glared at him and said, "So now he has them translated. He then sent Zorro after me knowing that Zorro would be after him. He also figured I could be a threat so he hoped that we would take each other out of the equation. I had Zorro beaten. After Ra's or not, he is still a wanted murderer and you helped him escape" The Shadow replied, "Had I not failed to stop Ra's I would have been able to train him. He could have become and honorable man, like his predecessors. He is also still the current Zorro, and Zorro must protect the talisman. If I let you take him in who would protect it?" Batman snarled, "I don't have time to argue with you about this. The more pressing concern is Ra's and the portal. Where is he headed with the talisman!?" The Shadow answered, "The most active portal is located in the Brazilian Rainforest Latitude 45 longitude 65. Grabbing The Shadow Batman said to him, "First I am dropping you off at the police station there is not statute of limitation on a murder charge and you are also and accomplice to Zorro's escape." The Shadow slipped out of the bat-bolas and punched Batman saying, "Not today". Batman spun around to subdue him but saw only empty air in front of him.

  Batman walked to ledge fired his grapnel into a near-bye building and swung back towards the Bat-mobile. From the shadows under the ledge Batman and The Shadow were standing on, Zorro limped out with a sadistic grin on his face and coordinates written in the palm of his hand.


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