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The Shadow: Deleted Scenes
A Strange Connection Thank
you to Michael M. for the pictures and information!
After the scene where Shiwan Khan forces the cab driver to drive into the
fuel tanker, another scene occured before cutting to the museum crime scene
the next morning. Lamont is at home, lying in bed, unable to sleep. He's
reading "A Tale of Two Cities." At the same time, Margo is lying in her
bed, unable to sleep, and also reading the same novel. Margo stops reading
and reaches for the cigarette case on the night table, just as Lamont takes
a cigarette from his case and lights it. Margo takes a puff of her cigarette,
but is dissatisfied and goes to stub it out just as Lamont stubs his out.
He gives up on reading the book and reaches to turn the light off just as
Margot turns her light off. Lamont lies on his side, facing left, then rolls
over onto his right side, at the same time Margo turns onto her left side,
as if accommodating him.
- Topps Trading Card #31: "Nighttime
Reflection" Features Margo in bed reading a book.
- Movie novelization by James Luceno, based on the script by David
Koepp. View
It's a Secret Thank
you to Michael M. for the pictures and information!
After the bomb is disarmed, Margo and her father are outside on the street.
They're approached by Commissioner Barth, who asks what has been going on
and if "that maniac The Shadow" was involved. Margo angrily defends the
crimefighter to Barth and almost lets slip who the Shadow is, but Shrevy
makes a gesture for her not to say.
- Topps Trading Card #68: "Keeping
the Secret Safe" Features Margo and her father on
the street outside the Hotel Monolith.
- Movie novelization by James Luceno, based on the script by David
Koepp. View
The Newest Agent Thank
you to Michael M. for the pictures and information!
After kissing Margo at the end (of the movie), Lamont gives her a (fire
opal) ring, officially making her an agent of The Shadow. The novelization
of this scene contains much more dialogue (they walk down the street, talking
about where they should go for dinner).
- Topps Trading Card #69: "With
this Ring" Features Margo proudly displaying her ring.
- Movie novelization by James Luceno, based on the script by David
Koepp. View
Part of Darkness
After chasing then losing Shiwan Khan at a vacant lot, Lamont returns home
to find Margo waiting for him. Lamont tells her about his struggle with
his "dark side" :
I do what I do to fight back the evil inside of me, but
some part of it is still there, waiting.
- The Shadow movie trailer featured Lamont quoting this line.
- Movie novelization by James Luceno, based on the script by David Koepp.
On the Roof Thank
you to Michael M. for the information!
An aerial view of The Shadow fighting the mongol warrior on the balcony.
- Television spots for The Shadow movie trailer featured this scene.
By the Fire Thank
you to Bobby T. for the information!
Lamont, staring into the fireplace, tells Margo of a childhood incident
when his rage overtook him, and he nearly (literally) murdered his cousin
for tattling on him.
- "The Today Show" featured this
clip during an interview with one of the cast.
- Movie novelization by James Luceno, based on the script by David Koepp.
The Shadow's Past Thank
you to Bobby T. for the information!
In the storeroom of the Hotel Monolith, The Shadow (umasked) is tracking Shiwan Khan through a maze of mirrors. Khan forces The Shadow to confront his evil past. Before him (The Shadow), the mirrors display scenes from his childhood, and when he was Ying Ko.
- Seen in one of the featurettes in the electronic movie press kit.
View the image.
- Movie novelization by James Luceno, based on the script by David Koepp.
The Shadow in The Sanctum Thank
you to Bobby T. for the information!
The Shadow sits in front of the communications equipment in the Sanctum.
- Featured in one of the movie trailers. View
the image.
- Movie novelization by James Luceno, based on the script by David Koepp