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Fan Fiction: Crossovers
Passing the Torch

by Matt Dennion

  She was sweating profusely as she ran not just from the exertion of sprinting at full speed but because the enormous boiler room she was in was giving off a tremendous amount of heat. What made it worse was how the sweat stung as it slowly worked its way into the cuts all over her body. "I shouldn't be here." She thought "How did I even get here, this whole thing is insane." Behind her she could here the sound of metal scraping against metal, she stopped for a second turned and could see sparks in the darkness. "I shouldn't be here, where is here anyway!" She began to cry as she ran. Where were her parents, the last thing she could remember was her parents checking her into the hospital. "The hospital!" She said aloud "I was in the hospital."

  The girl ran over the recent past in her mind to see if she could remember how she got where she was. "I was having terrible dreams about monsters and vampires, when they got worse my parents took me to the hospital to see if Dr. Crane could help me out. He treated me with medication for a few days and the dreams only got worse. Not just vampires and monsters but something else!" She began to form the picture of the creature in her head and as it formed her steps seemed to get slower and slower, it was like she running in ankle deep mud. The floor underneath her seemed to be changing or melting.

  The scarping sound behind her got louder and closer as she screamed in terror. Her head snapped back just as someone grabbed her blonde hair from behind and she came to a dead stop. An awful smell assaulted her like flesh burnt and decayed, were she not so terrified she would have vomited. A series of blades appeared next to her face, two of them slowly reached over and cut into cheek, as the blood fell from her she noticed that the floor directly in front of her dropped. Suddenly she was standing on the end of scaffold in front of long drop. "What's going on this can't be happing this can't be real!!" She screamed.

  The girl could feel something rough next to her face as a raspy voiced joked "It's as real as the changing of the seasons Ms. Summers and all Summers eventually change to Fall!" She was pushed from behind and went head first into a chasm it felt like she fell three stories before coming to hard stop as she hit another steel floor face first." Shaken and bruised she turned on her back to look up at who or what was after her. She could only see a silhouette of what looked like a man with a red and black stripped sweater and some kind of fedora hat. Then she noticed his hands or his one hand to be specific. The fingers were elongated and thin. As she was looking the man lifted the misshapen hand and a glint of light reflected off of it. Her body went rigid as she realized that those weren't misshapen fingers on his hands but blades. The man continued to lift his bladed hand to his mouth and lick her blood off them.

  The man cackled and he arched his body back in the throws of ecstasy. His voice echoed elation as he looked down at her "Your Blood! It's more powerful than all of the other children I've consumed combined! Devouring your soul will make me a virtual god!" He laughed in high pitched cackle as he jumped down in front of her. The girl got to her knees and started to run she didn't know where to go but she had to get away from him. She was running again, crying, and looking for any hope of salvation. Suddenly at the end of the pitch black corridor she could see a blood red light in the darkness. She ran for it as the man or whatever he was behind her mocked her and chased her down the down the corridor.

  The girl kept running toward the light until she came to a dead end bathed in the light. She looked for somewhere to keep running toward but the walls seemed to go straight up forever with a series of pipes and bars connected to them. She thought the light would save her, she thought she would get out this torture but now she was trapped and the creature had caught up. He slowly wiggled his bladed fingers as he stalked towards her, "Just keep telling yourself! It's only a dream" he sneered as he approached her with his high pitched laughed. She bent down and curled into a ball against the wall as the laugh echoed from above but it sounded weird deeper and hollow. The creature kept coming but suddenly stopped in his tracks as the deep laugh came again this time it was no echo.

  Both the monster and the girl looked around the room as the laugh continued neither seemed to know where it came from. The creature swung his bladed hand through the air and screamed "Who are you, what are doing here!? You can't be here this is my world! The dream world! Only I can enter this girls head! She's mine!" The laugh increased in speed and was so chilling that it gave even the creature pause! A deep voice answered "The dream world in people's minds may be yours, but I can see directly into their hearts! Ask yourself Who Knows What Evil Lurks in the Hearts of Men!"

  The girl was still scared but she could have sworn the creature chasing her was even more terrified of the voice than she was! The voice started again "This girl has been chosen for a purpose, she will fight the evil in world but she's not ready yet! You however have taken your last life!" The girl looked up and saw a massive Shadow swoop down from seemingly nowhere. As it descended she could see the bright red light that was bathing room pulsating from its hand. The light suddenly tightened and focused on the creature like some kind of blood red spot light. The creature lifted his bladed hand into the air as the Shadow crashed into him. The girl watched as the two figures tumbled into the darkness.

  Suddenly the girl shot upright in her bed, she as back in the hospital but her cheek and back were still bleeding from where she was cut in her dream. Panting she looked next to her and was even more terrified then she was in her dream. Her psychologist Dr. Crane was standing next to her bed with a maniacal look on his face. He was looking at paper reports but was smearing them with blood. The girl became terrified as she realized the doctor had her blood all over his hands. She screamed in terror.

  The lights turned on as another doctor came running into the room. The second doctor hobbled as quickly as he could over to the bed. "Crane what have you done?!" A series of interns came to the door the limping doctor yelled at them "Get security up here quick.!" The doctor stuck the psychologist with his cane "Crane why would you do this to that girl she's your patient!" Crane shrieked "Not me House don't you see her fear! Her own fear did this to her! Never did I think my serum would lead to such levels of terror!" Dr. House couldn't understand until he looked at the girls IV bag. "What is this Crane what have you been treating this girl with!" Dr. Crane smiled as he said "With my masterpiece House, don't you see I can now study fear at its full potential!" The interns returned with the security staff who quickly restrained Dr. Crane. The Dr. Looked at the psychologist as he was taken away "Your through Crane, Cutty will see you sent to Arkham for this!"

  House turned to the girl "Are you okay Ms. Summers?" The girl was sweating as he began to treat her wounds. The girl had a stunned look on her face "What happened I thought it was all a dream." The doctor sighed "It seems Doctor Crane was experimenting on you with some kind of fear toxin and attacked you in your sleep to increase the level of terror you were experiencing."

  Suddenly a red light flashed across the room catching all of the people in the room by surprise. In the bed next to the girl the hand of the old man sharing her room moved slightly. As the hand slid out from under the cover a bright red ring could be seen on his finger. Dr. House however was more fixated on the brain wave monitor connected to the man. The screen flashed a series of activity Dr. House looked as his interns "Check that equipment, that fossil Mr. Allard has been brain dead for months." The intern stammered "But his hand it moved from under the sheet?" The Dr. sneered "With all of the commotion in this room I'm surprised it was only his hand and not his whole body that fell out of the bed! Now check the equipment." As the intern approached the brain wave monitor went flat again. "See just an equipment malfunction!"

  The girl started at the ring and wondered, "It was same color as the light in my dream! It was just a dream wasn't it ……?"

Featured CharactersCreated By:
The Girl - Buffy Summers The Vampire SlayerJoss Whedon
Dr. Crane - The ScarecrowBill Finger, Bob Kane
The Creature - Freddy KruegerWes Craven
The ShadowWalter B. Gibson
Dr. HouseDavid Shore, Paul Attanasio


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