Okay, we've all heard the story: The Shadow was the inspiration for Batman. But who knew the 1994 Shadow movie would be referenced in the 2005 Batman movie?
It all began when I first saw the teaser trailer for "Batman Begins", and lo and behold, this appeared:
My jaw dropped. "That's just like the Shadow movie!"
Several online clips, trailers, and two viewings of the movie later, I was
convinced this was not a coincidence. So on a whim, I decided to do a scene-by-scene
comparison following the storyline of the 1994 movie mainly focusing
on scenes and plotlines that are almost similar. If imitation is the sincerest
form of flattery, this is quite a tribute. And one that I'm happy to watch again and again.
Feel free to judge for yourself.
(Note: "Batman Begins" is copyright of Warner Bros.)
As noted in the Print Tidbits
Comics Scene #49 (November 1992)
David Goyer noted that he wrote a screenplay for Doctor
Strange in the 1990's. He noted that he wanted to follow the origin storyline
-- a selfish, acquisitive man gets redeemed when going to Tibet and studying
under a mystic. Then The Shadow came out in 1994 which featured a similar
origin. "Batman Begins" also featured a somewhat similar origin
(although Wayne was self-absorbed, he was not really acquisitive) -- and it
was written by David Goyer!
Click on each picture for a larger image
Far Eastern Beginnings |
We begin in Tibet (okay, they filmed this
in the United States, but let's pretend) |
We begin in China, somewhere near the Tibetan border
(okay, they filmed this in Iceland, but let's pretend) |
In Dreams |


The Tulku appears
a sign of what Lamont will become |
Bruce's childhood trauma involving bats
a sign of what he will become |
Off to the Temple |


Lamont makes the journey (unwillingly),
unsure of what he will find |
Bruce makes the journey (willingly),
unsure of what he will find |
The Temple
in the Mountains |
Temple of the Cobras |
HQ of the League of Shadows |
Enter |


My, what big doors you have... |
What is it with bald Asian guys on thrones? |


The Tulku |
Ra's al Ghul |
First Attack in the Temple |
Lamont vs. Phurba |
Bruce vs. Ducard |
First Appearance |


Who...where are you?! |
Men in Tuxes |
Gotta love a man in a suit.... |
On the town |


At The Cobalt Club |
At a swanky Gotham hotel |
The Playboy |
Lucky with the ladies |
How Long? |
"...when you disappeared for some seven years." |
"You've been gone seven years." |
Police Problems |
"I'll put a task force on him." |
"Commissioner Loeb set up a massive task force to catch
you." |
Nice House |
Cranston Mansion
(French-style architecture) |
Wayne Manor
(English-style architecture) |
Meeting the Enemy
on Your Territory |
Shiwan Khan crashes the Sanctum |
Ducard/Ra's al Ghul crashes Wayne Manor |
Bored Stiff |
"You know somthing Lamont? It puzzles me how a man like yourself who has absolutely nothing to do, can be late for every little engagement." |
"Strange Injuries, a nonexistent social life. These things beg the question as to what exactly does Bruce Wayne do with his time and money." |
By a Hand |


Interrogating a Mongol warrior |
Interrogating a crooked cop |
"You're...him!" |
"You're The Shadow!" |
"Bruce?" |
Hero's Vow |
"...and besides, you know I'm gonna stop you." |
"I'm standing right here, between you and the people of Gotham." |
Running into Trouble... |


...by being trapped in a flooding tank |
...by being gassed with a psychotropic
weaponized hallucinogen then set on fire |
Being Saved by Someone
who Cares |
By Margo |
By Alfred |
Bedridden |
Even heroes need to recover |
Remembering the Past |


Lamont's life of crime |
Bruce's life of crime |
Nice Entrance (notice
the stairs?) |
At the Monolith Hotel |
At Arkham Asylum |
Go Mad! |


Driving Farley Claymore nuts |
Gassing the Scarecrow |
Final Confrontation |
"You're finished Khan!" |
"It ends here!" |
What...just...happened...?! |
It's not easy being a police
commissioner.... |
Last Kiss |
On the town |
On the ruins of Wayne Manor |
Always be there... |
"I'll know" |
"I never said thank you." "And you'll never have to." |
Other similarities and notes of interest not featured on this page:
- Both received training in Asia
- Both learned the art of invisibility (in different ways of course)
- "The League of Shadows" (Hmm...)
- Both have a secret hideout
- Both have an elderly butler (but Bruce Wayne is closer to his)
- Both have a similar theme song on their respective movie soundtracks. Have a listen to "Molossus" (Batman Begins), there's a short piece in there that sounds a bit like the theme in "The Poppy Fields" (The Shadow).